Reliability Matters – 1.5 – Laser Alignment

The Impact of a Quality Installation on the Total Costs of Ownership

The D-I-P-F Curve is the further enhancement of the original P-F curve. It was just a few short years ago when it was estimated there were over 60 versions of the P-F curve in existence. Today with knowledge gleaned from many subject matter experts, the D-I-P-F Curve is the now recognized format.

The D-I-P-F Curve illustrates the relationships between Design, Installation / Precision, Predictive, Preventative and Functional Failure.

It has been estimated that 80% of the Lifetime Costs of Ownership are determined by the DESIGN and INSTALLATION. A perfectly good design can be fouled by a poor installation and likewise a poor design will impact everything that happens to the equipment during its lifetime.

A precision design with a precision installation will control the influential reliability and maintenance costs into the future.

Installation – Where a Good Design comes to Life

Presuming you have a properly prepared base, a precision installation begins with a LASER ALIGNMENT of shaft and pulley. A precision alignment on a solid base should also reduce the need for a structural movement evaluation later in the life of the equipment. (See earlier newsletter on DRAGONVision – Video Deflection Motor Amplification).

ERBESSD-Instruments offers a state-of-the-art Laser Alignment system for shaft and multi-train applications and a Laser Alignment tool for pulleys.

Is a LASER Alignment and LASER Pulley Alignment System Expensive?

The ERBESSD EI Shaft ACE and EI Pulley Ace system is under $8,500 Canadian

Can we help you with your system or give you a demonstration?

DTM Consulting Services is a company of equipment reliability technical specialists. We are available to answer your questions

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