Revealing the properties of oil, grease and fluids so dirt, degradation and depletion are controlled.
Oil is the lifeblood of hydraulic and gear reducer systems. Like a human that has bloodwork completed to analyze the character and condition of the blood, so too oil sample analysis provides details on the character and condition of the asset lifeblood. Vibration analysis can look at the operational characteristics of a machine from an external perspective, oil analysis reveals the operational characteristics of what is happening INSIDE a machine Dirt can cause hydraulic valves to stick and malfunction. Degraded oil and oil that has lost the valuable properties associated with viscosity, anti-wear, anti-foam, and rust inhibitors can cause premature wear of gear teeth, hydraulic pistons, plugging of supply lines and more. Gear oil that is dirty and has high particulate counts has a calculated loss of life based upon the change index between samples. Oil that has been filtered can add years of life to equipment. Storage practices, handling and decanterIng technique, oil sample collection methods all have an impact on the overall asset life cycle and total costs of ownership.
What to expect from our Acoustic and Structure Borne Ultrasound Services.
- Data Driven Answers to What Condition The Oil Inside a Machine May Be – Details of oil viscosity, water content, metal wear, ferrous metal content, volume of dirt, and anti-wear additives are detailed and compared from sample to sample.
- Reduced Environmental Loading – Changing oil / fluids based upon a time stamp is VERY expensive and unnecessary. Oil analysis reports should be used to detect when the oil has been exhausted of additives or is too dirty to salvage. These indicators should signal the need to vacate the oil, clean the storage chamber, clean the lines and install new fresh oil.
- Clarity to Proper Oil Storage and Handling – How and where you store your oil reserves determines how much dirt you will adding to the oil systems when an oil change over or top up takes place.
- Confirmation of Oil Supplies - Oil sampling of fresh oil serves as a valuation comparison from oil in services and it can also serve to confirm you have the correct oil and clean oil from your supplier.
- Extended Asset Life - Oil that is not cleaned while in service will degrade the life expectancy of the asset. How much life is lost due to dirty degraded oil, can only be calculated once an oil sample particulate count is available. Degradation of oil properties and dirt, can cut the life of the asset by up to 10 times.
- Detailed Sample Reporting and Trending – The details are in the analysis and the details of the sample break out the information you need to make timely and cost effective decisions. Viscosity, Oil Particulate, Oil Additive Values, Life Expectancy Wear Rates, Storage and Oil Cleaning Requirements, Trend Improvements and Trend Degrading, all are included in a detailed sample summary report individually provided for each asset.
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